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why is this generation of teenagers SO WEAK? - Printable Version

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why is this generation of teenagers SO WEAK? - Demi - 04-13-2014 02:06 PM

if you don't know what i'm talking about then just join facebook, make a tumblr, join twitter. it's everywhere. teenagers acting like they have mental issues battling for attention. i'm a teenager myself (18) and i hate 80% of teenagers. no you are not "depressed" because you've read a john green book and listen to the smiths. W H Y does this happen, i hate this generation. weakest generation so far. you think you've got it tough because your parents took your laptop away? try being a black teenager back in the early 1900's. i even see my younger sisters falling into this trap too. it angers me to no end. I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND. anyone care to enlighten me? what is going on..

- David - 04-13-2014 02:16 PM

Being raised in this generation is like being raised around a thousand hungry tigers that happen to be cardboard cutouts. Advertising, movies, 9/11, the Holocaust, myths, FEAR has been fed to this generation. From day one out of the uterus. We have an epidemic ahead of us. This generation is not going to look pretty as adults.

I spent a lot of time reading up on spirituality. Eventually I dropped all the jargon and crap after I found John Sherman. What he has really does not involve spirituality. It gets to the root of fear, and the root of the root of fear. Basically he says our species is infected with the fear of life. Literally the fear of our own aliveness. That's the reason for all of this. He has a technique that he's perfected for several years. I really recommend anyone try it out....

- wishnuwelltoo - 04-13-2014 02:26 PM

Well part of it really is mental illness, suicide is the third leading cause of death for this generation. I think when we took God out of schools and churches and families things changed. In the last days of Christ the wrong becomes right.