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What are the best website for Article writing that pays descently? - Printable Version

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What are the best website for Article writing that pays descently? - Ratnesh - 04-13-2014 05:19 PM

I have been writing as a freelancer writer for quite a few time but the pay is really low, Please tell me about good websites for writing articles and getting good pay???

- Pete - 04-13-2014 05:27 PM

In my opinion one of the best thing that I learn in freelancing is never compromise the quality of work unless your just starting. If you're not happy anymore with the payment, I believe you could ask for increase. However, you need to assure your employer to deliver a high quality content. There are lots of legit sites where you could look for article writing jobs that pays decently. All you need to do is to post your resume, establish your online presence and reputation, which will help you get more clients.

Here's a list of sites where you could look for writing jobs.

2. - they hire freelancers full time.

- akjha20042003 - 04-13-2014 05:41 PM

There are several writing companies where you get paid to write. The rate varies in them. However, one of the quickest ways you can earn money is from iWriter. Initially, you start at a low rate of about two dollars for about 300 words article. However, you rate goes on increasing there after depending on the rating given to you by you clients. At the highest level you earn over $10 for a 700 word article, but the best part is that you can write as many article as you want because there are orders to be picked anytime. In addition, you can begin earning as soon as you register and choose to be paid weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Google to register or go directly to www,iwriter,com.