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What is a grunge or vintage themed tumblr blog? - Printable Version

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What is a grunge or vintage themed tumblr blog? - Flappers Wing - 04-13-2014 06:24 PM

The only thing I notice that seems to recur in vintage labeled blogs are that the images are given a filter to make them look faded, or maybe the cross process. As for grunge... Well for that one there's a variety of things, but it's still unclear to me why it's called grunge. What do these both mean? What does it mean to have a "vintage" or "grunge" blog?

- Don Jeffre - 04-13-2014 06:37 PM

I believe Tumblr uses these terms to describe their older looking blog style. The word definitions that I think are used here are:
Vintage means length of existence, usually implying "old style"
Grunge means the untidy fashions typical of fans of grunge.

- Sophie - 04-13-2014 06:46 PM