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To many things conected to internet? - Printable Version

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To many things conected to internet? - Z - 04-13-2014 07:54 PM

So recently my internet connection has been dropping frequently. There are days with no problems but lately the connection has been drop every few minutes on occasion restarting my Modem helps bring it back but doesn't fix the problem from happening again eventually. I was wondering if this could be because to many things are connected to my network. Basically i have an average Verizon modem the one they gave us and a netgear wndr4500 router. We have a lot of devices in our home ranging from 4 phones two video game systems and 3 iPads that are sometimes connected to the network at once, i use netgear genie and it usually shows 10 to 12 things connected at once. I just figured id get an opinion on here before i contacted my service provider about the problem. One last thing , when the connection does go out sometimes the internet light on the modem will go red and sometimes it stays green but blinks a lot, not sure if this helps. Im assuming its not a router problem only because its somewhat new about 7 months old and has been working fine until now. My router and modem are connected together with the modem connected to the phone line they are not connected to desktop computer as we have gotten rid of it years ago. Thank you for any help

- Alex - 04-13-2014 08:09 PM

I would say either your modem or router is dying out. Mine has done that at 4 months the life depends on how much stress you put onto it, I would try a new router/ modem if modem youll have to call your ISP and talk to them about ip addresses good luck

- Arthur - 04-13-2014 08:22 PM

Maybe you are maxing out your bandwidth . Thats the reason your unable to access the internet since other applications are eating away the little you have. Restarting the modem cuts the connection with which ever devices are connected making the issue seem to go away. I think you should try to disconnect everything for a day and only connect one device and monitor how the modem/rourter handle it . If it works fine it means you are maxing out on your bandwidth.
If its the case just be more conscious of what is connected at what time and if it really need to be on the Internet.