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Does Facebook sell users' private data to political organizations? - Printable Version

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Does Facebook sell users' private data to political organizations? - Murphy - 10-15-2012 08:56 PM

I know they have controversial privacy policies in which they use data for marketing purposes. Do you know of, or think, that political organizations buy this data in order to plan campaigns?

Also, does Mark Zuckerburg have ultimate authority over the collection of this data?

BTW I do not have a Facebook account; I am just curious because Facebook is so popular ( I think it's around a billion users or so? Not sure about the # but I know it is massive).

- D-1-G-1-T - 10-15-2012 09:04 PM

It wouldn't surprise me at all. Facebook is starting to get scary.

- Jim Rooks - 10-15-2012 09:04 PM

they say no, ask them

- goneoffline - 10-15-2012 09:04 PM

There is NO privacy on Facebook. It is by far the most currently overrated company in the world now.

- proudboy330 - 10-15-2012 09:04 PM

I'm thinking they do even worse than that.

- Tringle - 10-15-2012 09:04 PM

I wouldn't doubt it. The creator of facebook said people on facebook are "dumb" for trusting him with their personal info. I can't believe people still sign up to make this guy a billionaire. Which means he is right, people are dumb.

- wtinc - 10-15-2012 09:04 PM


- eddie - 10-15-2012 09:04 PM

I don't think it's so much your name as it is your browsing history. You ever notice that you end up getting advertisements on your email or advertisers who might follow you on twitter. If you ever get a facebook, which I wouldn't recommend, but if you did you'll find things that you have searched for on the right side of the page a lot of times. For example, for me they'll have Ron Paul and Carolina Panther stuff. See they know what I've been looking at.

And it's starting to get out of control. They will stop doing this if we just get mad! People don't realize how much power we have to a certain point. If people get outraged early on in the process then they have to make changes but if no one does anything then they win and it becomes permanent. And that's what's on the verge of happening with the Patriot Act and TSA groping on people in airports and apparently now at sporting events. What people need to do is just boycott these events and they'll have no choice but to give in.

As a matter..I know this is getting long so I apologize but Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura were talking about having a day where we just have as many people as possible just refuse to fly. The date they decided on was July 4, 2012. But that's what we need, more people to stand up to these tyrants and tell them this is unacceptable! Whether it be tracking our data, groping us at airports and football games, violating our 4th amendment rights by searching someone's house without a warrant from a judge or whatever. It has to stop!