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Help for a domain name? - Printable Version

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Help for a domain name? - hardy - 04-14-2014 09:21 AM

Hey guys I am thinking of starting a site which will be a distribute free stuff available on the web. Can you guys suggest some good name for it?
i taught of
but all of these are registered please help me out with some names
Free games icons themes resume templates business plan templates etc any stuff available online for free would be listed there

- Mike S - 04-14-2014 09:34 AM

You don't necessarily have to use .com names....those are at a premium....use .biz or .info or some other names also..those are less expensive

Also use a domain name that says what you have...the word FREE can mean anything....FREE what "....books, mags, computer software, security ??......

If you designing a website based upon free Security stuff or programs for computer try something like...

PS: Even though the names you have listed are registered with a dot com does not mean that its registered with a .biz or .info may want to check into that.....I know Go Daddy has some others available for like $2 a year.

- 912 - 04-14-2014 09:47 AM

Think of a name which can be sold later, if you cant afford hosting. Think very simple, which people would usually search for when bored. like