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What is your favorite method of marketing? - Printable Version

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What is your favorite method of marketing? - Adult Family - 10-15-2012 08:56 PM

I am curious how many of you are getting your leads or what you consider your most successful form of affiliate or network marketing.

In my case, I use Facebook and Twitter mainly, would love to hear what has been working for most of you!

- Priti - 10-15-2012 09:05 PM

Here are 10 ideas for doing that.........................
1. Take steps to make customers feel special
2. Create business cards that prospects keep.
3. Stop servicing break-even customers
4. Develop an electronic mailing list and send old-fashioned letters.
5. Boost your profile at trade shows and conferences
6. Combine business with pleasure — and charity
7. Create a destination
8. Become an online expert.
9. Court local media
10. Finally, don't let customers simply slip away

- netta862001 - 10-15-2012 09:05 PM

I use My Networking pro its an awesome site for marketing and networking with people all over the world, you can create a profile for free and post ads, meet people looking for opportunities your may have to offer, or vice versa you win awards for best profile, and you make a monthly income at the same time so it really a good site check it out

- Robert - 10-15-2012 09:05 PM


First of all, two methods that I won't use.
1. SEO. The reason being that you can work so hard to get your site up in the rankings for Google to come along, change its algorithm and wham, you're back down again.

2. Social media sites. People go to Facebook Twitter and the like to communicate and chat with each other. They are not specifically looking to buy anything.

You can of course pay for advertising but that can be expensive and does not guarantee results. There are many ways that you can advertise for free, and if you are prepared to put in a bit of time and effort (and you should if you're serious about your business) click on the link below for a 26 part set of video training tutorials detailing step by step how to employ each of the methods. Don't worry,
they are completely FREE to you.

Best wishes and good luck.

- Reha - 10-15-2012 09:05 PM

Hi, My favorite Methods Are:

Video Marketing
Article Marketing

Paid Traffic

Banner Ads
Text Ads
Solo Ads

- Samuel ken - 10-15-2012 09:05 PM

I prefer Organic Search Engine Marketing most. It do not need any investment at initial stage.

- LaTonya - 10-15-2012 09:05 PM

social media like facebook, twitter, etc.
opt in lists: email marketing
article marketing
classified ads
paid search: adwords, facebook ads

I don't have a favorite. for my blog i check google analytics to measure where traffic is coming from and how much. the other methods each have ways to tell how much traffic they are actually generating so you know where to spend the most time and energy.

- Shahid Wallahrai - 10-15-2012 09:05 PM

i found social media and this site to marketing

- Rick - 10-15-2012 09:05 PM

I need suggestions about my site if it needs any improvments please help my site is