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Is my boyfriend's ex-gf a threat to our relationship? - Printable Version

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Is my boyfriend's ex-gf a threat to our relationship? - M - 04-14-2014 08:15 PM

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 8 months and get along great. We're both 22 years old, and go to the same university. My boyfriend still talks to his ex-gf and they also work together - so they see each other frequently. When the ex gf became aware of our relationship, she started becoming more active on my boyfriend's facebook profile - commenting on EVERY single thing in attempts of ticking me off. My boyfriend tells me he makes an effort to constantly talk about me in front of her so she understands my position in his life, but she has told him that she prefers him not sharing his relationship stories with her. She's extremely jealous of me, and is constantly nagging to him about how he isn't giving her enough attention anymore, and isn't seeing her much either. I trust my boyfriend wholeheartedly, and he has also told me how he doesn't really care to see her as much anymore. My question is, is the ex-gf a threat to my relationship? She's clearly envious but is this something I should be concerned about?

- Dee - 04-14-2014 08:29 PM

i dont think she's a threat because she know were you stand and is just trying to break it up and i like that your bf shows where your place is in his life (great guy) i think maybe you should post on his fb like your the best bf ever, im glad we got together when we did, im the luckiest girl and stuff like that so she can get mad and know that you wont let her get to you.... Good Luck =)
ps. if she's still trying to (ecuse my language) fu*k shi+ up, she needs an as$ whooping

- DemiKat - 04-14-2014 08:36 PM

She's not a threat. But if she's not respecting your position as HIS GIRLFRIEND, than he shouldn't be communicating with her at all. He seems like he loves you and doesn't care about his ex. But I'm pretty sure that how she does things and constantly is trying to get to you makes you feel uncomfortable. I think you should talk with your boyfriend and express to him that his EX obviously still has feelings for him, and that you trust him completely but she makes you feel uncomfortable.

- Miss E - 04-14-2014 08:52 PM

She is definitely not a threat because as you said you and your boyfriend are doing great. Her childish antics on fb are just going to make her look like a rejected ex which is what she is. Dont let her ruin something beautiful because I am sure she will try create some stories etc to tick you off even more but as long as he is with you, her efforts have no success. You know what they say, people always want what they cant have.

Also, I know this has no relevance but damn, girl got a lot of time her hands, she needs to get out and find someone else and stop harrassing you guys.

- madison - 04-14-2014 08:56 PM

She can't be a threat if your bf doesn't let her be. Which it seems like he won't ever let her come between the two of you and your relationship. He seems like a good guy and eventually when she doesn't get her way she'll get bored and leave you two alone