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Is popularity really important? - Printable Version

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Is popularity really important? - Anisiaa. - 04-15-2014 02:39 AM

I am in highschool and I always feel intimidated by popular ones even if I don't have reasons. I know the popular ones aren't bad people because I know some of them and they are really ok but something makes me feel inferior while talking to them. I can't be me. I can't be funny, I can't be in center of attention because I am feeling nervous and I am afraid of telling something because I think I will sound stupid. I am introverted but I am not antisocial and I make friends easily if we have common interests and they are not very popular or very outgoing. I don't have a lot of close friends.
I really don't know why am feeling intimidated by popular kids. I have a lot of prizes at national and international piano competitions. Even last week I won the first prize at an international piano competition.
My popular mates/friends are always telling me that I am super pretty, classy and a good friend (I don't want to sound like a bitch).
I want to be popular but somehow I don't.
And I have two questions Smile
1. Is it weird that I never had a boyfriend (I am 16)? Will I find a boyfriend if I'm not very popular?
2. Are facebook likes important? I have almost 90 likes while the others have 100+..

I know this is long but I really need an answer.
Thank you!!Smile

- Lauren Henshaw - 04-15-2014 02:41 AM

You sholdnt feel that way at all, your all human beings, theres nothing that separates you from them. You don't have to get involved with them just to get a boyfriend an you shouldn't try and be friends with them if they are not the type of people you feel comfortable around!
Its not weird you haven't had a boyfriend, you have so many years for that and facebook likes do not mean anything!!
I had my first boyfriend when I was 16/17 so you should feel like you must have one at an early age, being "popular" does not get you everything you want, dot try and fit in with them if that's not who you are, stay with the people you feel comfortable with, iv learnt that when I was at school

I really hope this helps!!

- Katherine - 04-15-2014 02:43 AM

I know how you feel. dont worry you dont need to feel intimidated , you will become popular one day and im sure you will find a boyfriend even if you not popular you just might need to wait longer .

popularity isnt really important good luck

- elizabeth - 04-15-2014 02:55 AM

You sound a lot like me when I was in high school! :-)
1. No, it's totally NOT weird that you haven't had a boyfriend. And yes, you WILL find one no matter if you're "popular" or not. You just have to wait for the right guy and try to let him know you are interested.
2. Facebook likes are meaningless. And you have to remember, Facebook has these weird algorithms that keep some people from seeing some of your posts. So just because you don't have as many likes as others doesn't mean people don't like your post(s), it can just mean not everyone has seen it.

I went to a private, all-girls Catholic school that had a LOT of popular cliques. I was friends with a few "popular" girls, but for the most part, I was a very unique individual that did my own thing. I was into hippie/grunge, and drove a 1965 Mustang convertible, and I had a blast just being me! I can honestly say, nothing from high school mattered after high school, except grades to get into college.

- elizabeth - 04-15-2014 02:58 AM

Honey, popularity is just a word. Not an award. Not a grade. Its just a fancy word immature school kids use to stereotype the well liked and well known with big groups of followers. Most of the time, its just that. There's nothing special about it. Please know that being popular or getting 90/100+ Facebook likes, doesn't make you superior. You're already doing great with piano, you don't need to be popular. It won't get you anywhere. But excelling in playing the piano, yes. That will get you scholarships, you get to travel the world, play and compose music. I'd take that over popularity any day! But I understand the pressure you're under. But take my advice, popularity won't get you good grades, awards, scholarships or anything that will benefit you in the future. Its just a reputation for the moment. And once you graduate it won't matter. Again, excelling in playing the piano is a reputation you'll be known for, forever.

As for boyfriends. You're still young. You have plenty of room to learn and grow and discover life. So don't worry about that.

Just remember, beauty fades, popularity is just for the moment, you might not have a boyfriend now, but someday you will. But talent, that's your own and no one can take it away from you and you get to have it forever if you're wise enough to make the right decisions.

- solo - 04-15-2014 03:12 AM

Popularity isnt everything sometimes it can be hard bc there will be times when u just don't feel likebeing noticed. If u can't be yourself around other ppl then they are not your real friends. Or u need to lighten up and get comfortable at least until u kno them better. If youre winning awards and championships for playing an instrument that makes u popular bc u can do something that none of those popular kid's can do. Its not all that to be popular if you're not smart. Intelligence is what makes everything worth having if u don't have wisdom u don't have anything. So don't worry. And 16 is too young for a steady boyfriend anyway. Stay a virgin stay pure for as long as u can. It may be hard and ppl will make fun of u for notbeing permiscuois but they just wish they were like u. Focus on school and have fun with the friends u do have. Boy's just want one thing from u.