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Why do I have so little followers on Instagram? - Printable Version

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Why do I have so little followers on Instagram? - Ellie - 04-15-2014 05:24 AM

I'm following 176 and getting followed by 82. I try posting interesting things like nature shots, drawings, cute pictures of my dog, funny/cute pictures, quotes... But nobody follows me back. I got this towards the beginning of the year and I've been getting followers sooo slowly. Yet I get close to twenty likes each time. But it seems like sometimes people have like 2 selfies but 3 times the amounts of followers to people they're following. What would make people not want to follow me?

- Jason - 04-15-2014 05:33 AM

first you must ask yourself why you want followers on instagram. reply when you know the answer to that.

- ☁ Trick™ - 04-15-2014 05:45 AM

Stop following trends and be yourself, then you'll receive more followers.

- Jessica - 04-15-2014 05:59 AM

You can do a few things to get followers. One, you can look up the tag #s4s and you can give people shoutouts, theyll do the same for you. Two, you can go on a instafamous account (@justinbieber, etc.)and follow a bunch of their followers, maybe half will follow back. Another, is you can download the app popu2, if you get enough credits on the popu2 app (250 i think) then you can promote yourself for more followers. Youll get about 15 if your pictures are interesting enough. Another thing, some people unfollow because you post either too often or not often enough. I cant answer your question to why people dont follow back (some just dont even bother) i havent personally seen your account. But those are a few tips (: .

- Alax - 04-15-2014 06:07 AM

If you have any other social media networks, like Facebook, Twitter, or anything of that type, post your instagram user-name. Your friends will definitely follow you. Or just simply say follow me and I'll follow you back because many other people also want followers, so this will be the perfect method. You can also post very funny pictures or deep statuses that intrigues people and grabs people's attention.