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Where can I make a 12 month multi picture calender online professionally? - Printable Version

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Where can I make a 12 month multi picture calender online professionally? - justice - 04-15-2014 07:27 AM

I'm trying to make a 12 month calender, where all 12 months are on a single large page with 24 pictures going around the border. Where can I make one of these?
Like the fight the bight contest calender or the Spare the air one.
They're called calender posters a lot if it helps at all.

- Nahum - 04-15-2014 07:34 AM

Not sure of any specific sites, but you can find "collage calendar templates" in quite a few places. It would also be a relatively simple project to make in desktop publishing programs like Microsoft Publisher, Open/LibreOffice Draw, or Scribus.

Making it "professionally" would be a matter of using high resolution photos (minimum size of roughly 1–2 megapixels), printing from high quality large format printers, and using durable poster stock. A print shop would certainly be a good choice for output, and they could potentially laminate the poster or use some printing method that would allow the calendar to survive the year.