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Where can we buy cheap internet ? - Printable Version

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Where can we buy cheap internet ? - iEmmy - 04-15-2014 07:49 AM

I'm talking about internet with a router , like clearwire , but cheaper .
Apparently 50$ , my mom is too cheap to fucking comply so she had it shut off and the lost the router and the router cost 100$ to replace . Bottom line , No clearwire . I was wondering where i can get some cheap internet , For my laptop . I can't take the current internet we have anymore , it's not ours , it belongs to the building complex and it's free for a reason . It's shitty unless it's 1:00 am - 4:00 am . those only the only time it's clear . we live by several airports to make it 100x worse so it's constantly fucking up and a highway . I wish we could just move tbh . Please don't recommend ANYTHING comcast related , We tended to have constant problems in the past with them .

- Julia - 04-15-2014 07:53 AM

If you sign a contract you can get it pretty cheap for a year the catch is they lock you in for 2 years. You can get it for $30/month from comcast plus an $8 modem lease fee so $38 for the first year who knows what year two will look like though. Century link will do it for $20/ month for the first year idk their modem lease fee probably $5-$10 so $25-$30 a month. Keep in mind those prices require good credit and are for new customers.