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Why am I so sad and angry? Please help me...? - Printable Version

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Why am I so sad and angry? Please help me...? - Roman - 04-15-2014 07:55 AM

Since the past year...

-Everyone picks on me
-My crush hates me
-I'm failing school (I try hard to get good grades) (I can't play sports cause of this)
-My parents are overprotective: No social media (I only got this email secretly for Yahoo Answers), they won't let me play my video games, they won't let me go and hang out with my friends at places, won't let me have a phone or anything.

My dad just broke my iPod and told me that I can never get one or anything else like that until I'm older. I raged at him...

I rage a lot, but never like what I did just now...

I was screaming, like a huge roar, cursing, streaming tears, and destroying stuff.

I talk to my counselor, but it doesn't help.

Please help me... I'm 14, BTW. I'm considering of ending my life...

- curiouscanadian - 04-15-2014 08:09 AM

Well that would not solve the problem here. When do they say you are old enough? The problem is the more you scream at them the more they will dig in their heels. Try, just try being calm, helpful and polite around them for a few weeks. Same at school. Never show your anger. Oh and talk to the councellor in a calm manner to and ask her for some advice.

- Matteo - 04-15-2014 08:23 AM

Don't end your life dude, it's not worth it. Try to make some friends at school, try to find a new girl to like, and for your parents, there's nothing I can do. Your parents are in control. And if you are thinking about ending your life... Then the world is your oyster. Go do something you wouldn't have done earlier. Talk to some girls. Be the class clown. Go to a party. Think about it; if you're going to die, you might as well do some crazy shit before you do, right? But you still shouldn't kill yourself. It won't stop time. It won't solve your problems... Just wait for summer. 3 more months of school. I can promise you that next year will be better.