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How do you hack an Instagram account? - Printable Version

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How do you hack an Instagram account? - Annabeth Chase - 04-15-2014 08:26 AM

I swear, I'm not trying to hack into someone's account to mess with them or delete all their pictures or anything like that, I'm trying to hack myself haha. I got locked out of one of my Instagram accounts and I used a fake email when I set it up evidently (wee I'm an idiot) so I can't get back on and it's really annoying me (I've been locked out for like 30 weeks now). Does anyone know how to hack into it? Instagram was the one who reset my password for security reasons or whatever, and I just really want to get back into it. Thanks (:

- Krupptonite - 04-15-2014 08:42 AM

You can't hack / get into an Instagram account. So if you used a fake email then yeah, you cannot do anything. You need to make a new one. There's no way to recover the password. Sorry.

- Mathieu - 04-15-2014 08:52 AM

Technically, anything is hackable. You really don't want to ask hacking questions here, though.

If the account is legitimately yours, and you have a way of proving this to Instagram, the people at Instagram should be able to help you get access to it again.