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Know of any website builders? - Printable Version

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Know of any website builders? - Kerigan - 04-15-2014 09:20 AM

I'm looking to build a website. But it needs to be free to make it. AND I would like it to have it's OWN domain. Not Please and thank you! Smile

- David - 04-15-2014 09:33 AM They have lots of stylish layouts and can also get under the hood and tweak things if you have the knowledge. They also have a handy logo-maker so you don't have to hire a graphic designer and they have solutions for e-commerce. If your business became a hit all of a sudden they will automatically give you more bandwidth so your site never goes down (they would charge more but your extra business should make up for it). Finally, if you pay a certain amount ahead of time for your plan they throw in a domain name.

- Yam - 04-15-2014 09:43 AM

Hi There - most website builders will allow you to connect a custom domain name to your website, but they will charge for hosting. Webydo ( is free to create a website and you have all of the professional available to you as well.

- Shristhy - 04-15-2014 09:45 AM

Here are the good website builders for you, Wix, Weebly and Wordpres. This are on the top list in website builders and they are easy to customize.

- Jazz - 04-15-2014 09:57 AM

You're not getting a website with our own domain for free. And getting someone to design it for free will be hard too.

- Byen - 04-15-2014 10:07 AM

Although there are a number of website builders that you can use to build your website for free, to use your own custom .com domain name will require you to upgrade to at least their lowest plan (paid).

Here is a list of them for you to see (this chart will give you an overview of some of the leading website builders out there) -

I agree with Jazz above, it will be really hard for you to find a website builder that will give you a free domain name without first upgrading to their premium plans.

- Michael - 04-15-2014 10:13 AM

It will be difficult for you to find a website builder that will allow you to point the domain name for free. But there are some hosting plans that will allow you to host a website for a very affordable price monthly. http://www.Weebly com is our competitor, honestly it's probably not the best thing advising people to try your competitors, but to answer your question... you can't beat 4 bucks a month for a standard website. Try them out. is 8 bucks a month compared.