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SKYPE: Will my contact receive my voice message even if I am offline at the time she is online? - Printable Version

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SKYPE: Will my contact receive my voice message even if I am offline at the time she is online? - Kath - 04-15-2014 11:17 AM

Hello. I`m confused at how messages are were sent offline in Skype. If I tried to call an offline contact, and it leads to me sending a voice message and then I signed out, at the time my contact signed in, will she be able to listen to my voice message even if I`m already offline. I hope I made sense. Any other details regarding this will be much appreciated. Have a great day.

- excile - 04-15-2014 11:26 AM

the message is stored at a skype server so even if your offline ppl can get the messages

- Murad - 04-15-2014 11:37 AM

Sure. If you sent it, it's not possible not to receive it even though you are offline