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What are No Frames in HTML? in terms of SEO? - Printable Version

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What are No Frames in HTML? in terms of SEO? - javed - 04-15-2014 12:12 PM

No frames. They are the enemies of Search Engines and Search Engines are Enemies of Frames.
I am asking for "No Frames" not about Frames.

- Mohd Azharuddin - 04-15-2014 12:27 PM

Frames is technique used in earlier days in web designing, in which we can display 2 different pages together using the frame tag. For example in the source i have attached a site done in frames which has been now changed to div tags.

The problem of frames in seo is crawler cannot index the page properly because the pages are embedded inside frames.

- Vikram - 04-15-2014 12:39 PM

Actually frames are not enemies of SEO, frames are use to show other web-page on a single page however in this case Crawler will crawl the frame content on its source file not on frame page.

- Nex-G - 04-15-2014 12:46 PM

A single web page is divided into parts using HTML frame set. And search engine treats every part as a single page therefore this technique looks spammy in eyes of Search Engine.