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How do you talk to a guy you've never talked to before? - Printable Version

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How do you talk to a guy you've never talked to before? - Kk - 04-15-2014 12:41 PM

So I really like this guy we are both 20 years old. He sits next to me in one of my classes and I kinda fell in love with his personality based on what I've seen so far and I really want to get to know him more. The was he looks is so cute! It's definitely the look I go for! And he just an all around great guy from what I see... I never really talked to him but I want to! His twitter came up under "people also like...." When I followed one of my friends... I was gunna follow him on twitter but I don't want it to be awkward... And I'm really shy so it's not like me to just go up to a guy I like and start talking to him!...What should I do? Forget about him or try something? No sarcastic answers please!!

- Jamey - 04-15-2014 12:53 PM

I can't believe you sit next to someone and you've never spoken to them before. Even if you sit to someone you dislike intensely it's difficult not to say anything at all, even if it's just 'good morning'. Why don't you start off by saying that with a smile, and see what happens?

- Dee - 04-15-2014 01:06 PM

Start following him on twitter.... If you're shy... that would be a great way to make your move. Just smile at him and that will give him a hint... and then he'll be the one to start a conversation. Good luck.

- Jesse - 04-15-2014 01:19 PM

ok I'm a guy.
get over your shyness and grow up. learn to put yourself in awkward situations and get over your fear.

ask the guy "didn't I see you at that place this weekend"?
when he says no, you say "i could have sworn it was you"
start a damn conversation some way
continue the conversation each day until you two are talking after each class.
you should be able to find some sort of common interest and be able to build on that.

This will more than likely not work if you are extremely fat and he is good looking though. I know this from personal experience.
In this case, you need to work out and diet first.
Then talk to him

- 592 - 04-15-2014 01:20 PM

You're afraid of talking to him because you're worried he'll reject you, but if he's such a nice guy you have nothing to fear. And even if he isn't, the worst thing in life is to regret anything, so charge up there and give a big warm "HI!" You'll be surprised how far being open gets you.

- Victoria - 04-15-2014 01:31 PM

Trust me. I'm in a similar situation like you. >.< All you gotta do is put on a smile and say 'hi'. Talk about the class. Talk about friends. Talk about anything. Just keep the conversation going and don't freak out. Smile Good luck!~