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Hipster blogs on Tumblr? - Printable Version

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Hipster blogs on Tumblr? - The Froggy Girl - 04-15-2014 04:18 PM

Im tired of all the humor on my dash all the time. I want pictures of nature, pretty rooms, people on road trips. I want no text, just pictures. Pretty, filtered pictures.

Do you guys know any really good blogs like that? Think something like Infamousgod, torrentmike. Those are the only two people i follow who are similar to what im looking for.

Thanks! <3

- xoxo-gossip-girl - 04-15-2014 04:28 PM

uhh well i personally don't know any good hipster blogs (i just reblog stuff from the search), but check out my tumblr it's pretty hipster/indie i guess

- R.Q. - 04-15-2014 04:38 PM

i dont have any specific blogs to recommend, but what i do is go to a picture of something that you like and look at the notes and click on some of the blogs who reblogged it.

- Tayla - 04-15-2014 04:54 PM
are pretty good Smile