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who is the man killed because of an online riddle? - Printable Version

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who is the man killed because of an online riddle? - Shane - 04-15-2014 05:52 PM

So I remember reading about something last year. There was this riddle posted online, anyone who could figure it out would be lead to a lot of money. No one could figure it out. I think there was a lot of strange patterns and it led to a video and some guy figured it out. Now im not saying this is a riddle nor am i looking for an answer. The man who finally figured it out was lead to all these places and when he got to the end he was killed. I think this was in london but im not sure because I cant remember. I dont know if anyone will even have a clue what im talking about but I hope they do. I cant remember.

- Joseph - 04-15-2014 06:01 PM

Beats me. Probably just another slenderman joke

- thom t - 04-15-2014 06:08 PM

Was he "lead"(metal) or "led" made to follow?
Anyhow, it sound like an urban legend(not true) to me. I checked Snopes and they didn't have it.