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why do people with private pages ( Facebook, Instagram, ETC) block others from adding them? - Printable Version

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why do people with private pages ( Facebook, Instagram, ETC) block others from adding them? - brazilian king - 04-15-2014 09:52 PM

I will never get why people with private pages block people from adding them. is it defeating the purpose of having a private page. Couldn't they just not add them. I don't get it. their page is private for a reason. so why block them

- icy fresh - 04-15-2014 10:05 PM

because they're stupid

- Sara - 04-15-2014 10:20 PM

Maybe because some of those accounts are exclusively for family and / or private matters, like a diary/album?
There's always a bazillion people asking to be your friends in FB, whether you know them or not, so maybe they don't want to go through the hassle of manually saying "no" to every single one of them.

Sometimes even if you say no, some people just don't know when to quit and keep on trying, so blocking is the best way of telling them to "bug off" for good. Its a lot easier to manually pick the people you WANT to be your friends.