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how to get someone to help me test my boyfriend? - Printable Version

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how to get someone to help me test my boyfriend? - Alexis - 04-15-2014 10:03 PM

or more like where to get. i just want an attractive girl that's intelligent or shows that she is on her profile so he could be more attracted and someone i can trust not to tell him what i'm wanting to do to message his facebook and try to be over friendly to him and see how it takes it. and if he doesn't, maybe try it a few more days and try harder.
he's given me reasons not to trust him about other girls and i want to see if he's still lying to me or if he's being truthful. i think this will help me not be so upset so much of the time if he passes.

ugh, i feel like i have to explain myself to you guys or otherwise you won't answer but ask questions back to me rather.
so, where in the world could i find someone to do this? it's not like i can just go on omegle and ask some random girl, that would be not only difficult to find the right one or know i have but also awkward.
is there a certain website that girls there would be willing to help me with this? or what?

i'm not the type of girlfriend to ask for his account data to read through his things. i would never.

of course i can't ask this of anyone that i know either.
i liked your comment tbone because you have me rolling. he has cheated on me and i forgave him, yes probably like an idiot, but i do love him and i only want to see if he really loves me just as much and has changed or if he still wants and gets with others. we've been together for a year now, i think it's time i put this feeling to rest. it's not me, it's him.
i'd rather know. if it backfires, then i could just leave him for good?

- TBONE - 04-15-2014 10:10 PM

Deceitful and conniving of you to do this. I hope you find a girl to do it. I hope he takes the bait. I hope they get married and live happily ever after. Your jealousy, mostly unfounded, will destroy every single relationship that you enter into. Good luck!

- TXgrl - 04-15-2014 10:13 PM

Either dump him or move forward with your relationship. Things like what you are trying to do have a way of backfiring in your face.

- Monika - 04-15-2014 10:27 PM

search for a good looking girl on the internet and make a fake profile for the time being. But honestly you should just tell him that you don't trust his actions, and talk things out not just test him, cuz most guys will always fail the test if the girls is super hot.

- friskymisty01 - 04-15-2014 10:42 PM

Communication Trust Honesty & Respect are teh Keys to a long Healthy relationship without those you have nothing*

YES< he's cheated before and NOW ur wondering if he's still doin it? so obvioiusly there is NO TRUST there*
trying to get another girl to play along with ur plan WILL BACKFIRE on u big time* that's not a good plan*...not meaning YOU"LL find him cheating*...but rather, if he has changed..ur gnna blow it, cuz the truth always come out in the wash~
You either have to TRUST him OR NOT*...there's no inbetween! If u can't then time to move on with ur life, find someone that you CAN trust*
dont play games*