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how can build business web site? - Printable Version

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how can build business web site? - Saleem Deen - 04-15-2014 11:52 PM

- Caren - 04-15-2014 11:54 PM

you really have no idea where to start? good luck with that business.

- Tommy - 04-16-2014 12:10 AM

Hi Saleem,

Here is a basic guideline in bulding a website

1) Keyword research on your theme/niche. Find keywords that are low competition and high search volume (Not very important but a good benefit)
2) Purchase Domain for website (either based on the keyword research or your business name)
3) Find webhost to host your domain (most webhost services provide domain purchase as well)
4) Down a Content Management System. I recommend wordpress since it is easy to use and they have a lot of plugins to customize website
5) Find Theme for your website or create one with HTML. You can search for free themes within Wordpress or Google Free Wordpress Theme. Find one you like, download and install
6) Download plugins and widgets to customize website (
7) Customize Webiste
8) Publish contents
9) Optimize website for SEO
10) Promote Website
11) Get Traffic

The above is only a basic outline. Check out this article to get the step by step guide on how to create a website.

- J - 04-16-2014 12:26 AM

Even though Caren, was being sarcastic there was some help there.

the first thing to do is decide on a business that you know quite a bit about and can remain passionate about for over 1 year preferably over 2 years.

Tommy, gave you some help, but unfortunately he has missed many points that make your business life easier.

Don't try to build a website yourself unless you have the skill, hire a developer that knows what to do as well as how to do. they are not expensive as they save you far more than they cost.

here is a typical scenario if you follow Tommy's advice; you get your hosting, domain name, setup your site, tweak it out , make it the absolute best you can.

Then you wait for the traffic to show, it doesn't! you wait some more, it still doesn't...somewhere along the way you start doing SEO both on and off page...hoping to get might see 15 or 20 visitors a day and you think "WOW I am on my way!"

but you get zero sales. then you do some more stuff, your site grows a little, a few more visitors and MAYBE a few sales...but now a year or 18 months has passed and your dreams have all but vanished along with the money and the time.You give up your site.

IF you had hired a developer as I stated earlier, (s)he could have built that site along with all the things you missed and you could have used that 12 to 18 months building your business, traffic and sales.

If you want to know more about what you really should do, search CL for the free report I give away to business people to make their company website a reality that works. btw...I have other developers that have plagiarized my report and are now using it for their businesses.

- Destin - 04-16-2014 12:42 AM

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