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Time Warner Cable slow, Verizon hotspot really fast? - Printable Version

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Time Warner Cable slow, Verizon hotspot really fast? - Elijah - 04-16-2014 01:10 AM

I have Time Warner Cable 50 Mb/s down/ 5 Mb/s up. Over WiFi I actually only get between 15-25 Mbps. But that is still fast. I can download files very fast, always between 1-4 MB/s. But whenever I try to stream videos, (on practically ANY website) it loads very very slowly and is constantly buffering. It's not my computer because I got a new one like a week ago and it happens on all of my computers. (desktop/laptop/tablet/phone) But here's the twist, if I turn on a WiFi hotspot on my Verizon Galaxy Nexus, where I only get 1 bar of 4G LTE. if I do a speedtest on my computer, I get around 1.5-4 Mbps. But everything I do is extremely fast. Videos stream flawlessly, webpages load faster, it's just crazy. I don't understand what the deal is. It's like Time Warner Cable gives us an illusion by only delivering the full speed when downloading a file. Any suggestions?
Mb/s = MegaBITS per second
MB/s = MegaBYTES per second
Mbps = MegaBITS per second

- Tyler - 04-16-2014 01:13 AM

Time Warner could be throttling web sites that use lots of bandwidth like youtube to keep its network from becoming congested. I would try to hide what sites you are visiting from Time Warner and see if that helps with video streaming. You could change dns providers or connect to the internet through a VPN. Some vpn services will give you free data as a trial offer, use that to test whether encrypted internet traffic is any faster than an unencrypted youtube stream.

- Peter P - 04-16-2014 01:24 AM

Try using an open DNS server like or
That should help.
I bounce around to many networking being in IT and those open DNS always gives me better performance then the ISP's pushed down DNS.
I hope that helps.
Mixcat Computers