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Is it okay to feel anger or resentment at this point? - Printable Version

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Is it okay to feel anger or resentment at this point? - Anthony - 04-16-2014 02:42 AM

Thanks for reading.

I currently work in college admissions, a job that I love and that I do well. I'm living a comfortable life that I never thought I'd have just a few years ago. As a result, I sometimes think of my successes and struggles.

I think about how just a few years ago, the girl that I wanted to marry broke my heart. And despite being together for nearly two years and many conversations on one day marrying and starting a family, she didn't try to soften the blow and shut me out. She even went so far as to forward private e-mails to a friend of hers and the two of them made fun of me and my ex even called me a failure.

Now that I have gained success, and am living such an accomplished life, is it right for me to feel anger or resentment at my ex even though it has been a few years. Her making fun of me and trashing me was a big reason why I strove to do better but is it right to be angry now? A big part of me wishes I could show her what I've become and show her that she was wrong.

- something fishy - 04-16-2014 02:48 AM

nice write up

I honestly think you still need to focus on you and all you have done to move on

I think when you have a tough break up and even though you moved on for you I think you knda remained emotionally attached to the relationship that failed...

I honestly think the sharing of email between the girls and then you seeing it knowing well...that it was hurtful says a ton about their low self esteem and lack of acceptance to how hard you have worked

I would even go as far as changing all email and social media so no one from your past could contact you.

I would continue to make yourself more interesting by continuing to work on career goals and learning new things so you meet new people...learn to scuba dive dance wine tasting karate join a gym join a work social'll meet better people with the same interests and goals careers meet new people would be key

and letting go emotionally although difficult will also be good for so many'd don't need to brag to the X she could not appreciate you then and she will not appreciate you now...this is also why you need to change all social media and never answer her or talk to her...

I had a situation like this and although it hurt I knew moving on for me was key to changing my life for the better.. and once you let go and know you derserve someone who will appreciate you and all you worked towards it will be a wonderful life

*(* good luck

- kate - 04-16-2014 02:50 AM

I get like this, sometimes, where I dwell on negative things from the past. It hurts you more than it hurts her, that's the reality. I try to focus on the present and on the fact that it really doesn't matter right now. That's easier said than done, though. For me, I take the dwelling as a sign that something is missing in my life and try to find a new, positive way to spend my team. Eating better, exercise, a new hobby, anything that will improve my frame of mind and not give the person who hurt me even more power over me by letting their treatment impact me even longer. It sounds a bit cheesy, I guess, but I do think it's a shame to let someone hurt you for such a long time. She doesn't deserve that power.

- bodacious baby - 04-16-2014 02:52 AM

LET IT BE...The best revenge is living the good life...believe me she will hear about it and be sick!

- swbarnes2 - 04-16-2014 02:59 AM

Your feelings are what they are. The only choice you have is whether or not to dwell on something so completely in the past.