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What is the best way to get unlimited internet where I live? - Printable Version

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What is the best way to get unlimited internet where I live? - Rioichi - 04-16-2014 07:49 AM

So I live in an area where there is only ONE internet provider, and they suck, screw you out of money and the internet doesn't work half the time, super slow, etc. This is others options I've found so far: Dial-Up (YUCK, no.), Satellite (expensive, data caps, and isn't good for online gaming), mobile modem via AT&T (expensive, data caps, will only work on laptop), mobile hotspot (expensive, data caps, may or may not work with gaming consoles). All expensive and all have data caps. I am a heavy internet user and gamer (or I was/am when I have internet). I need unlimited internet, but I have no options! Can someone please help?

Oh, and AT&T is the only mobile company that services my area. So anything on Verizon or anything else won't work.

U-verse is not available :\

- 568 - 04-16-2014 08:01 AM

I was in the same boat for 11 years. I used AT&T
DSL extreme 6.0. Finally U-versed became available.
Now, I have unlimited internet access 18.0. I am actually getting 20 to 22 Mbps, and no I am not going
to complain. Ask your AT&T provider if U-verse is
available. Good luck.

- tumbleweed_biff - 04-16-2014 08:04 AM

go to and choose the option "Find Service" at the top.