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Amazon kindle Upload guide? - Printable Version

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Amazon kindle Upload guide? - Asim Iftikhar - 04-16-2014 09:42 AM

I am going to upload my eBook on kDP. My eBook has a lot of pictures and tables. But the issue is kindle requires the images to be inserted rather than being copied pasted. I have copied and pasted all the pictures, and now I am on a stage where I can't repeat the process. Up to my little understanding, the KDP requires it to be inserted because of the limit of picture sizes uploaded and that is 127 kb. I have all the pictures around 127 kb, some are as much as 170 kb. So could I just move on without doing all this messy procedure. Please guide. Maximum participants are welcome, so they may help me decide if I am wrong or right and can I just goahead with this.

- cathugger - 04-16-2014 09:51 AM

170kb is not within a 127kb size limit. If they are JPEG files (aka jpg), use a decent graphics editor that will let you set the compression level for a save and then save a new copy with greater compression so the size of the file is smaller.

And if you are the same person, you have asked this 3 times now. Twice I gave you link to the Kindle Direct Publishing FAQ about inserting images. And I gave you a link to a 99 cent Kindle book all about putting images in Kindle books and making them look good. If I had to put graphics in a Kindle book myself, I would be using that FAQ and that exact book (which I have already purchased).

To find your old questions: When you go to the main Yahoo Answers page, assuming you are using the new interface, you will see a bar that says:

Everything Recommended Recent Popular (dropdown menu)

Use the dropdown menu to choose "My Questions" and find where you asked about images before so you can see the answers.

Programs I have used in the past with adjustable jpeg compression - Adobe Elements, Serif Photo Plus, Gimp (but I find Gimp difficult to use). Windows Paint does not have this feature.