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Why am I remembering our past intimacies? - Printable Version

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Why am I remembering our past intimacies? - Zucely - 04-16-2014 01:09 PM

I had a boyfriend about 5 months ago. We broke up on "good terms"... we haven't had ANY contact whatsoever with each other since then. No text, no calls, e-mails, unfriended and blocked on Facebook. I removed his pictures from both my phone and Facebook. Almost within a day or 2 of our break-up. So there would be no constant reminder of him or "us." This was BOTH of our agreement. So this is okay. Don't get me wrong though... I did care for him, and I was with him for almost 2 years. I am well aware he just won't be erased from my memory unless I had a sudden case of Amnesia...but recently though I started to remember our past intimacies. The kind that makes me *cough* feel uh.. needy? I don't know why....but in 5 months I didn't even THINK about it up until 3 days ago.. Why? I know we won't ever be together again, there's not even a slight chance we will bump into each other...I don't want to be with him again, based on a lot of differences... and I'm not a casual girl when it comes to those things.. so why is it that those "intimate" moments are suddenly continuously flooding my mind?

I thought that the fact that I'm becoming attracted to someone else now.. meant I WAS or had moved on... If anything I thought I would have those thoughts on the guy I am currently attracted to.. but no.. To be fair it's been a GOOD while.. since uh... that.. I would say...9 months. Is that the reason?

- Angie - 04-16-2014 01:16 PM

totally normal honey! when me and my bf of 3 years broke it off the same exact thing happened to both of us (i know this because we got back together momentarily, which i would not recommend btw). it is completely HUMAN. we all have needs..and hey, there is nothing wrong with smiling back at those times thinking "those where damn good times". do not be afraid to cry about them either. those were moments you two SHARED, and i think the fact that it WASNT a hit-it-and-quit-it kind of thing is exactly why its on your mind. to us girls, and guys too, that makes it that much more arousing, so nothing really can replace those memories. dont try to replace them either. just accept them, smile, sigh, and look forward to the next person who comes along that you can create new memories with.

i mean think about it, every time we are in a bad relationship..we learn something from it and apply it to the next one, making the new one that much better. your next relationship *can* be that much better Smile so..if you and the next dude have a better connection because of what you sure that connection will boost the bedroom life as well. js lol. it gets better.

**those sexual memories will probably always be remembered by you, so just cause your mind is wandering back doesnt mean you havent moved on. youll KNOW if you havent moved on. seek happiness, and go at your own pace with new relationships Smile

good luck