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How can I ask this girl to out wit me? - Printable Version

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How can I ask this girl to out wit me? - Cool J - 04-16-2014 05:06 PM

There is this girl in my psychology class. Who I really like. She cute and fun to be around. Lol it's the main reason I like psychology class. Earlier in the semester we got team up on assignment that is when I first noticed her. I chatted and I develop a crush almost instantaneously. I got her number so we can follow up on the assignment. Since then we had a few short chats on whatapp etc. I notice I make her laugh a lot which may be a a good sign. The only thing I'm afraid of is that she may think I'm pathetic due to the fact that I'm 24 and never had sex or had a gf. She's 20. My facebook profile is lame as hell etc. I don't have much friends so that the only that's holding me back. I'm just afraid so question me why or just say no. I had a crush on a girl in high school before that I let slipped away. I really don't want to let this opportunity slip away. This semester is ending in April so I figured I'll ask around that time because both of us are busy with school.

- Blah - 04-16-2014 05:12 PM

Try and keep hanging out with her over the summer and then if you think she likes you ask her out