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New to Y!A and confused? - Printable Version

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New to Y!A and confused? - FredWeasley - 04-16-2014 06:14 PM

I am new to Y!A so i am confused. I answered some questions and apparently i violated them? All i did was answer the question and paste the link to my question in the source box? Whats wrong?

- . - 04-16-2014 06:20 PM

That's a solicitation violation. Put simply, you aren't allowed to include a statement like this:

"Answer mine!" with a link to your question.

- 361 - 04-16-2014 06:30 PM

Don't know? I have been answering questions since July 16, 2009 and I have got several violations that I didn't think I deserved. So just do the best you can and hang in there.

- madness4life - 04-16-2014 06:36 PM

I don't see how that's a violation unless you posted something obscene. And besides the only way to violate is if its reported by 2 different users. Some people manipulate that by using two different accounts but if your held in violation you receive an Email from YA stating so and are asked if you want the violation reviewed then are asked to submit why.
I'm guessing you got an error page or accidently hit the guidelines tab that talks about the violation conduct rules. I do that a lot by accident when I use the site on my smart phone . I bet you didn't get an email.

Make sure you post your answers in the your answer box. The source box is for listing where you got your info from but most people use it to simply add extra detail after they have already posted their answer. That is most likely y your getting the conduct page. Try another and post in the top, bigger,your answer box and see what happens

- kitty in the sink - 04-16-2014 06:40 PM

If you have a question, ask a question. Don’t post a link to a question elsewhere. You can’t post a link in an answer unless it’s part of the answer. Irrelevant links are not allowed. Certain questions aren’t allowed either. Read the community guidelines, since you had say you already read them before you could join up! That's what "I agree the the community guidelines" meant!
It’s really not difficult. It’s just the same as any game - you have to follow the rules.
