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Computer lowers video quality on its own? - Printable Version

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Computer lowers video quality on its own? - G - 04-16-2014 08:49 PM

I recently purchased a new desktop computer.

However, on both netflix and youtube, the video quality starts at good quality, but within seconds my computer reduces the video quality greatly. (144p on youtube)

My specs- 3.4 GHz Intel i3 dual core, 4 gb ram, Intel® HD Integrated Graphics video card

how can i get around this?

- PsqMy - 04-16-2014 09:05 PM

Do you have a fairly slow internet connection? It could be automatically lowering the quality so that you don't experience buffering!

- Jerry H. - 04-16-2014 09:17 PM

Well given the specs it's a budget computer. You can upgrade the GPU to like a GT630 but nothing higher. They are dirt cheap

- Angelo - 04-16-2014 09:30 PM

It has nothing to do with you graphics card, or ram, or anything like that. It's like that because of your internet speed. It lowers the quality of the video because your internet speed must be low on bandwidth. It does this because higher quality videos require more bandwidth and with lower quality it requires less. When it's lower it should not have to buffer as much.

Think of it like this. Picture your internet as a highway. Imagine that High quality videos being something like a large bus full of people. And then imagine something like small mid-size sedan is the lower quality video and it going down the same highway but only filled with like 3 people. With more "weight" the higher quality videos are going to take a longer time to reach it's destination that the lower quality videos because the sedan weighs less thus being able to go faster and get there quicker.