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What's wrong with my internet connection? - Printable Version

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What's wrong with my internet connection? - McCallister - 04-16-2014 10:08 PM

For some reason, whenever I play most online games the game itself runs fine. High FPS low ping so you'd think I wouldn't have a problem. However I do. The game will suddenly disconnect from a server at times, this can range from being kicked from the game itself to just loosing connection for a few seconds, while it's not too much of a pest, it does greatly ruin the fun in some games because I'll get disconnected for a moment or two and found out that I've been killed. In some games, I'll even get kicked from the server for getting disconnected. I have no idea what to do. I am using wireless internet but this didn't start happening until around summer 2013. Yes, I have turned off all back round programs, turned off firewall and tried resetting my router countless times. On most servers I can get around 30-100 ping and can load most pages on the internet instantaneously.

Speed test

50Ms ping

7.32 Mbps Download speed

2.29 Upload speed

Note: This seems to vary since I did this 4 days ago and got 11 download speed and 3 upload speed
Upon doing a test I came up with

8.5 Mbps Download


2.9 Mbps Upload

- HidyHo - 04-16-2014 10:12 PM

I'd need a packet capture to really get an insight. Try for help.

- desh - 04-16-2014 10:19 PM

That is a problem which is common with many people. I also never had connection problems but suddenly i was having connection problems and was kicked (dota 2, cs go). then after few days it solved automatically. nothing is wrong from your side. if you are in india( me tooo) then this happens a lot. there is no valve server in india and the nearest one is in singapore. if someone is using ur wifi that causes problems. because your online game needs constant data usage and a download using the same connection interrupts the connection between u and server. even 2 seconds of delay is enough to screw up. so make sure your internet is not being used by someone else (heavy downloading).

- Gaurav - 04-16-2014 10:22 PM

open cmd . type ping & see if there is packet loss. what is the average roundtrip time.? If the average roundtrip is more than 50ms its something to worry about. it could be internal or external issue.Eventhough you get the right speed sometimes its just the hardware that could be defective if the ISP server is fine. if you are on wireless make sure the channel is 11 most preferred or 1 or 6 . if you are wired n you got a router then you got to hard reset & re configure it, this should fix it if its internal but really its hard to say. try doing the ping test every 10 minutes when nobody is using the internet for 1 hour .