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Why can't I see the pages I've liked on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Why can't I see the pages I've liked on Facebook? - Vasilisa - 04-17-2014 06:53 AM

So I'm just trying to unlike the majority of the pages I liked when the good portion of us when through that page liking frenzy from high school.
So I searched in the Facebook bar "Pages I Like" and behold a few hundred were. So I unliked them all and by the end of it was "end of result". But when I go to my profile and look at the pages I've liked in the "more" tab, there's still over 1000 more I've yet to unlike. So I go back to the "Pages I Like" search, and there's no new pages to unlike. I know for a fact I still have plenty of pages to unlike, so where'd they go?!
How do I find these pages and unlike them once and for all?!
I've looked on the Page Feed, and in the Likes tab on my profile and the Pages I Like search, and they're not there!

- 679 - 04-17-2014 07:05 AM

Go to ur profile and click on activity log and u will see