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Is PPC advertising on Facebook working for you? - Printable Version

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Is PPC advertising on Facebook working for you? - gmann46 - 04-17-2014 10:28 AM

- Sam - 04-17-2014 10:30 AM

No my friends never click on my freakin refferal link.

- dan - 04-17-2014 10:44 AM

No I have not had much luck with facebook pcc. I had a 50$ voucher for facebook PCC program and I got nothing in return. I might of overlooked some important IM functions. I just gave it a test run and it didn't lead anywhere with little tweaking.

- R Keith Ellertson - 04-17-2014 10:45 AM

Didn't work for me either...

They are also very picky about their ads.


- Increase Traffic - 04-17-2014 11:01 AM

Well, It does not make much money. You should concentrate building a large group of friends and then market (social marketing) a product or an affiliate program or referral program.

- Jenae - 04-17-2014 11:12 AM

I have seen Facebook advertising "work" for some different companies, but it requires a good amount of up front work in order to get high CTR ads in place that will get decent exposure.

The beauty of Facebook advertising the the granularity of the targeting you can do - geographic, demographic, workplaces, interests, etc. It's important to be careful what you select and write highly tailored ads for these.

Facebook is not a place to get clicks for instant sales though. The advertising done here should promote relationships to initiate marketing cycles. Promotions and free offers, can do better here - getting your business more exposure and into the related mindset of Facebook users. Facebook is a great place to start to develop community around your business.

If you are using it and not seeing success, it's important to figure out why. If no one is clicking on your ads, try new ads and modify targeting. If you are getting lots of clicks without conversions, try out a new landing page.

I have seen far more success going the "free" social media route for more businesses. Just using good marketing and community building techniques to gain from sites such as Facebook.

- Samuel - 04-17-2014 11:26 AM

One thing i've learned about ppc in the past year is to do a monster excel build then trim down from there. There are a few suggestions I can make for you if you'd like me to, I've been quite successful with campaigns like yours. Below is my contact info. Ill be expecting an email from you (or a quick call)! Thanks and good luck! 208-806-2754,