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What is your opinion on my website? - Printable Version

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What is your opinion on my website? - ProjectMarino - 04-17-2014 01:46 PM

Please go to my website: and tell me what you think?Do you like the layout?

What do you like about Project Marino?What do you find interesting about Project Marino?What do you not like about Project Marino?

Leave a Reply tell me what you think?

Do you have any questions on the information provided on the Project Marino?

The Theme and Missions of Project Marino, is clearly and concededly for the United States Government’s transparent corresponding accountability and for the World to know what the United States Government is up to with its concealed corruption, as required under the First and Fifth Amendment’s of the Federal Constitution and the Freedom of Information Act Title 5 U.S.C. Section 552. A Congressional Act enacted by congress for governmental accountability.

The Protagonist:

Marino v. Department of Justice , et al., civil action #12-cv-865-RMC. (District of Columbia, Washington) PENDING;

Marino v. United States Attorneys Office District of Massachusetts, et al., civil action #12-cv-872-RMC. (District of Columbia, Washington) PENDING;

Every word we print can be backed up with PUBLIC RECORD and or under seal and concealed documented independently corroborated proof. Our documents and issues presented in PROJECT MARINO, serves as a “SIGNIFICANT PUBLIC INTEREST” and will lead to egregious gross systematic governmental misconduct to the level of felonious acts by some of the Defendant agencies and persons listed as defendants in Marino supra.

Project Marino’s Objectives continues, however it would expedite the process if the general public as well as the Media would involve it-self with Project Marino’s missions to have the People Know what their government is up to?

Thank You!

- Shinigami Eclipse - 04-17-2014 01:58 PM

Not commenting on the content, the website seems to be optimised for a 4:3 display.
The images also seem a little too pixelated, I reccomend seeking some higher quality photos (The logos).
Other than that, the colour scheme does not seem to be consistant throughout.

- J - 04-17-2014 02:05 PM

looks like you are using the 2014 theme, if you would like to improve that drop me a pm and i'll give you a child theme that will make your site look, and perform better. it also incorporates a better cell phone viewing than the standard 2014 theme.

- Mike S - 04-17-2014 02:17 PM

Nothing special about the Website itself....but a good way for you to get visitors and backlinks by placing this question on Y/A.

- Baldev Sinh - 04-17-2014 02:20 PM

Well, it took some to load up, from my side, India. I think you should optimize the images to ensure that the blog loads faster!

Changing to a premium theme will help, I think. Genesis framework will work like a charm.