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Why wont my website attract visitors or members? - Printable Version

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Why wont my website attract visitors or members? - Iain - 04-17-2014 03:45 PM

My website doesnt seem to be attracting any visitors or members. Any help would be appreciated. for those of you wanting to have a look to see what is going wrong.

- Resyus® - 04-17-2014 03:59 PM

Place some ads. Attract people. Offer a page for people to leave feedback. Integrate in social media buttons like the Like and the +1. Just look around popular websites like yours and look at what they do. Pretend you were the customer. What would you like in your website?

- Jake - 04-17-2014 04:05 PM

Squeeze pages have lousy search ranking and visitor retention rates. You really have to have a lot more free inviting content on the home page and not force them to pay with their email just to find out what the site is about. You might look into those floating window opt-in forms that people can close if they don't care to opt-in. You really have to sell people on the benefit of joining before forcing them to potentially sign up for spam email.

Most sites get visitors through search engines, backlinks from other sites remain the single biggest search rank driver (other than quality content) The backlink reporting tool find only 1 external link to your site.

Being active on social site and forums like Facebook can help you get links and visitors to your site as well more traditional blog comments, directory submissions, article directory submissions, guest posts on other blogs..

- Xpert Web Infotech - 04-17-2014 04:10 PM

This is because of the wrong strategy followed by you. Here are some very important tips to attract your visitors...

(1) Don't work for keyword density. Many times it harms more than good.
(2) Always use right grammar and better use of punctuation.
(3) Always share your content to most famous social media websites like Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest..because more shares your content gets, the more popular it will seem to Google.
(4) Always make you title descriptive short and useful because this is the first portion Google looks at when categorizing the individual web page.
(5) Always write your content for your audience not for robots. Focus on your target audience and write stuff they want to read.

- Jhon - 04-17-2014 04:26 PM

There is no much data in your website.
Place some forum threads and post some classifieds
Promote the new article on social media