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Facebook-how do I stop seeing this person's name everywhere? - Printable Version

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Facebook-how do I stop seeing this person's name everywhere? - Mehhlephant - 04-17-2014 06:17 PM

Hi. (Skip to second paragraph if you don't want the excessive intro).

I used to have/still have-ish feeling for a particular individual who is one of my friends. For a while it was so intense that I'd thoroughly Facebook stalk that person (I feel horrible for having done so, but what's done is done). Thing is, this crush fell into a time during which I was weathering a pretty nasty depression, and every time I see that person's name around on Facebook, I get very anxious and think depressive thoughts. I was in therapy until recently, so I have coping strategies for the anxiety in this particular case and for the roots of it and stuff, but still; I'd rather just not see this person's name around on Facebook.

I've unfollowed this person (I don't want to block this person, because they're in my circle of friends) but their name is always the first one that appears on who's liked people's profile pictures and statuses and I'd rather not see it. I know it's Facebook knowing that I've visited that person's page often and stuff, but I'd love that name just NOT to show up. Is there any way to do that that anyone knows of? I was assuming there wasn't, but if anyone knew...? (I've already stopped visiting it obvi, but the person and I still message each other).


- TTSGA - 04-17-2014 06:33 PM

Go to their page and the link that says 'friends' click it and hold until you get the menu. Unclick 'get notifications'... that SHOULD limit the amount of things that show up that the person does. I found that on the computer... I don't see anything, but on my phone and tablet...some things still show from time to time until I completely stop interacting with that person.

- melissa - 04-17-2014 06:46 PM

I'm unsure as to how you can hide their name completely, but if they post a lot of status updates, you can hide these, so that they don't appear on your news feed. To do so, hover over a post that this specific person has made, and a little arrow will appear. Click this and then select what you want to do (one option is to hide their posts)

- Daniel - 04-17-2014 06:57 PM

There is No Other Way to Stop Seeing that Persons Name Other Than Block The person You Can Not Control Where There Name Appears on Facebook There is No Way to Remove it

- Tom - 04-17-2014 07:09 PM

Just uncheck there notification and unfriend also.