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I don't know what's wrong? My family life is awkward? - Printable Version

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I don't know what's wrong? My family life is awkward? - Frankie - 04-17-2014 10:10 PM

Okay, I've been pretty confused lately...according to my parents I've been showing signs of depression, and to be fair I can see that, I've had major mood swings and especially been in a really emotional and low depressed mood since back in July.
My mum thinks there is something wrong with me or I'm just attention seeking... But honestly I have no idea whats wrong...I just like being on my own quite a lot. I'm really self conscious.
I do have social media sites on my phone and spend most of my time in my room on these sites talking to my friends...however my parents because of my mood have punished me by taking my phone and laptop off me so I can't talk to them in my free time at home, I could pick up the phone and call my friends but it's not realky something we I see them every day at school so I do have physical social time...anyway my parents said that I can't have my phone back, they're going to cut my allowance and ban me from my room unless I tell them whats's really stressing me out because I don't know what's wrong I honestly don't...I just feel really upset and emotional. It might be hormones but I don't actually know what's wrong. I'm really upsetting my parents and I'm not meaning to. I just don't know what to say to them or what to do to make our household a pleasant place not an awkward and hostile environment :/
Im 18 by the way

- jdw - 04-17-2014 10:17 PM

Tell them what you just said, then consider arranging an appointment with your GP, again say the same, its possible you have social anxiety or something similar. Don't spend so much time by yourself, I'm 20 now and its one of my biggest regrets, now I fear leaving the house most days and general socializing. Good luck.

- Kaitlynn - 04-17-2014 10:29 PM

Tell them you don't know what's wrong. Do some research on depression and show them that if that's what it is, then it's caused my a chemical imbalance. It's not always caused by something. If they don't believe you, maybe try talking to an aunt, older cousin, or grandparent, and maybe they could get through to your parents. They don't seem to understand or take you very seriously, so getting someone else involved may be the only way.

How old are you? Because if you're around 13, it could also be teen angst, which is just you hormones going crazy as you transition from a child into an adult.

- Pearl L - 04-17-2014 10:30 PM

just tell them its hormones

- ASKBiblitz - 04-17-2014 10:37 PM

The rules of social engagement have changed considerably in the Internet age for a lot of reasons. Beyond shopping centres and noisy clubs there are few venues where youngsters may meet and court. Safety is now a much bigger issue, too. Your parents would be well advised to join a parents group, attend PTA-type mtgs and/or consult family counselor to get a more accurate reading on the new normal. Right now they have their heads in their pants. It sounds like you have pals you interact with in the now usual ways. Yes, it's too bad you and Archie and V can't all meet down at Pop's Chocklit Shoppe like they pretend they did back in the day but we must all live in our time. Their attack is misguided and likely to create a rift that won't heal. As long as you still enjoy a healthy fitness routine of some kind and feel as cheerful as most in these challenging changing times, tell them the Who got it right: The kids are alright.