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I Have A ? About Facebook? - Printable Version

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I Have A ? About Facebook? - music2009 - 04-18-2014 12:06 AM

did facebook copy myspace i use to have a myspace account it was version 3.0 and when i went to look at somones pics on facebook i saw a comment on a pic I click there profille they had a new version of facebook i upgraded it to see what t was and now i'm stuc with that version it looks alot like myspace 3.0 just that the back ground is white like always any one know?

- RGB - 04-18-2014 12:15 AM

Facebook liked the idea of social networking like myspace but didn't copy exactly the code from them.

The developer was paid by some guys at Harvard University and then ripped the idea from them. Gave the money back to them and developed facebook claimming it as his idea.

- 472 - 04-18-2014 12:31 AM

No, they didn't.