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Should I start advertising? - Printable Version

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Should I start advertising? - Andrew B - 04-18-2014 01:01 AM

I'm making a suit.
First of all, I am completely creative and have a genius mind.
I'd like to introduce my arm piece to the world which i made myself.
What i hate most about being an artist with I a designers feature is being copied. I dont like knowing that other people can imitate my work.
On the other hand i know that I am completely creative and no one can make what I can.
I have a lot of good work to put into my final project and if it ever gets done i just hope no one ruins it.
My question is, when and where should I want to put up images and any video of my design and its process?
I have a lot of work to do and am currently waiting for a sewing needle to come around, but school starts soon and I need to start buying books.

- Jake - 04-18-2014 01:01 AM

Sounds like you are not ready to make sales, ideally you would create a single design prototype that could be used to sell the concept to a clothing manufacturer for some licensing fee, there is little chance of that actually happening, if you could get funding from some local persons, that would allow you to have several articles produced, then you might be able to sell directly, I am not sure what the outlet would be. One sort of advertisement that can be free is a Press Release which is a factual report of some new business venture or product creation, in some cases local news reports will reprint the press release as an easy way for them to provide news content. There are free and paid press release distribution web sites, ideally someone in the fashion industry would read the news, again if you can sell to business there is a potential of making big money, selling individual items to end users would be small money, limited by your sewing speed..