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ideas on what to do my website on? - Printable Version

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ideas on what to do my website on? - Gordon - 04-18-2014 01:23 AM

I want to do it on music but I need ideas for 3 pages of the website for my home page, second page, third page please help me

- Chad - 04-18-2014 01:31 AM

what type of music do you like?

do the homepage talking about two different types/genres of music... then the 2nd and 3rd page go into more detail about those two types of music.

You could do the site about the history of the guitar... the home page would be a brief overview of the guitar... maybe a diagram of what's what... neck, frets, tuning keys, ect...

Then page 2 would be about the history of the guitar. when it was invested, early examples...

Then the 3rd page would be about modern guitars and what the future holds.

- Forever94 - 04-18-2014 01:42 AM

Home - You're home page with a couple of songs available for listening. Embedded from youtube, soundcloud, or spotify.

Inspiration - What songs/things inspire your music

About - About the artists, likes, dislikes, personal life (but not too much), passions.

Contact - How to get in contact with you/artist.