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Any mothers out there with young children started their own business from home? - Printable Version

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Any mothers out there with young children started their own business from home? - Nadine - 04-18-2014 02:48 AM

I'm thinking of starting my own business from home, as I have young children & need something to fit around my children. I do not have much money but I am very good with my hands & thinking about selling my own homemade baby clothes & accessories... However the making the stuff is the easy part... I would just like some general info about starting own home business.. Particularly from other mothers.

- T Abc - 04-18-2014 02:48 AM

I'm not a mother, but I have a lot of entrepreneurial experience myself. What you are thinking of doing is fine, but the chances of it becoming a real profit maker are quite low. It's just a reality; it is very hard to market and compete with companies that have millions in advertising budgets. And even if you start selling a few, the margins are not very high, meaning you would need to churn out quite a few to earn a decent income. Of course this isn't the rule, and you might very well become a millionaire as some people have with a good idea and product that fit an ignored niche. You can try by marketing through facebook; it's an easy way to start without much money.

These days affiliate marketing is a great way to make money from home. It's basically where you promote other businesses products online. For every sale you bring, you get a percentage of it. All you need is a computer, the internet, and time to post, share deals with friends etc.

Amazon affiliates is a great one, although you most likely need a blog or your own site. But, awesome products and a wide range to work with. Another option is working with smaller businesses directly; they tend to pay out much higher than the big guys because they don't have such strong marketing abilities. The education course below gives you a 35% off code so customers want to buy from you, and give you a good chunk of cash back. That's just another example. There are plenty out there if you look.

Good luck!!