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Opinion on online daing? - Leo - 04-18-2014 03:05 AM

I hate online dating!! My ex's sister was killed by online dating (rare I know). My mom cheats by sleeping with creeps online. And my friend always is with some guy from online. It seems like everyone wants sex, not a relationship, plus it's not a good place to meet because you don't have much in common like if you met at your favorite store or something. I just got out of a really hard and long relationship and I'm having a hard time getting back on the scene. It seems like everyone is meeting online. I accidently met someone on this app called whisper (I didn't know people were meeting on there) Anyways. I've only been on one date with him and it went alright. But I still hate online dating. What are your opinions? What bad and good experiences do you have? P.S I'm a girl if that matters.

- Cat - 04-18-2014 03:19 AM

Personally online dating isn't the way to go, there are creeps and just plain weird people on those sites. And well yeah i would say most just wanna find someone who they can have a one night stand with..

But it is beneficial for those few... like the ones that travel a lot for work so cant meet the someone through the usual channels. People who are new to a certain area, not having many friends can make it difficult to meet other singles who want to mingle, or people who's work life is long and hard to going out to meet new people is difficult.

- layla - 04-18-2014 03:28 AM

Well, I met my husband through online dating so obviously I am all for it. I find it is nice because you can talk to the person first and get to know them a little better before you meet so it isn't as awkward. You will already know what stuff you have in common and know if you will click well because you have already talked to them for a while before you meet. Don't get me wrong there are definitely some creeps out there, but usually you can tell because they are SUPER anxious to meet you like a day after talking with them. I guess maybe I just got lucky. But don't totally tune out the possibility because that might be where you meet the man you love ^_^

- prettygal - 04-18-2014 03:43 AM

I have went on a ton of dates with guys from online..never really liked any of them though but the free dinner is should give him a go I know you are probably freaked out about the online dating killer but don't let that scare you from a potential lover or great friend...I have been pretty risky with online dating too I met a guys house once for the first time met plenty of guys who I had no idea what they would be like from just judging by their profile and talking on the phone but I took the chance..and everything was fine.....JUST BE CAREFUL!! know who you are about to meet..facebook Skype talk on the phone with them before you meet always meet in public trust your instincts..cause as much fun as I have with online dating it is risky from the stories I have heard..

- . - 04-18-2014 03:50 AM

i tried online dating once but what happened is that i got a bit too excited by looking at all the pictures of hot women so my penis turned into a long stick. I wanted it to go away so i started stroking it just for fun and felt soo good. i stroked myself so much that i started releasing some strange, smelling, sticky white substance from my hard penis and the laptop died instantly.

so then i gave up online dating because of that

- Wifebeater - 04-18-2014 04:02 AM

I met a girl playing a game on yahoo, talked to her every day for a year and ended up dating her for almost 7 years. it can work if you take it slow and get to know them before you meet.