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Publishing companies that are willing to try teens? - Printable Version

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Publishing companies that are willing to try teens? - jZhang1029 - 04-18-2014 05:14 AM

I'm actually not a teen yet (I know, a bit young to be writing a book) and I am in the process of writing a fantasy novel which I plan (if it gets published) to make into a tetralogy. By the way, don't underestimate me because I'm young. I'm a pretty good writer. Does anyone know a publishing company that will accept unsolicited work from teens? Thanks for any help.
No, TheBellJar, I am NOT looking for the word "trilogy" Don't try to correct me. I said TETRALOGY, which is a 4-book series. You obviously don't know what I'm talking about and didn't take the time to look it up.
And Golden, I asked this question because I don't want to self publish. Do you think I would have asked this question if I did? I haven't done absolutely no research, you know.

- Steve D - 04-18-2014 05:24 AM

Most real (not vanity press) publishing houses won't accept unsolicited submissions from adults. What you need to do is finish the book and then submit to a literary agent for review. If the agent believes it is salable, he will sign on as your agent and try to use his/her contacts to get you published.

- Raelynn Hannah - 04-18-2014 05:40 AM

You asked question in wrong category and that's why there's little chance to get appropriate answer.

- Jake - 04-18-2014 05:52 AM

THese days there are a lot of self publishing (and promotion) options, you might have to get more savy about social marketing on the internet, creating an author site, etc.

There are people making a decent income self publishing Harry Potter like serial books, here is some self publishing info:

Some other writer resources
Mibba - young writes share. pier reviews of poetry, short stories, novels, scripts, and screenplays

There are also print on demand services that will print and direct ship book orders one at a time, so you don't have to have a garage full of pre-printed books as you once had to.
This example also handle drop shipping to USA (overseas orders cost considerably more)
(I understand you have to pay about $200 for an ISBN# to have a physical book sold on Amazon)

- Golden - 04-18-2014 05:55 AM

If you feel your book is complete crap and no publisher would ever touch you still don't have to pay a scammer you can do it for free now. You can self publish any crap you want for free now no matter how bad it is.