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Should I create a Facebook page for my blog Alias? - Printable Version

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Should I create a Facebook page for my blog Alias? - EvelynSparrow - 04-18-2014 06:05 AM

So I've started a blog under an alias. I want to be an author but want comments and criticism on my writing. The problem is I don't want my friends knowing its me. No idea why lol but I thought it could be fun. Another problem is trying to get followers so I thought maybe I could create a Facebook page or account to advertise the blog and get some followers. Good or bad idea?

- Julius - 04-18-2014 06:14 AM

Go For It.
Just remember Stephen and Tabitha King can't be used Smile

- k.lass2007 - 04-18-2014 06:18 AM

Definitely and a fab idea.

It is a better way and far more organised and get the comments you want, whether good / bad.

I personally don't use fb, but I know many do nowadays, also try a twitter acc, although that may take time away from fb acc - depends on how you feel and your multi-tasking skills.

As you already have a blog, then yes, set up an alias fb acc for it also, am sure you'll soon gather followers by word of mouth etc.

Wishing you luck!.

- Sultan - 04-18-2014 06:28 AM

Yes you Create a Facebook page for the Alis blogs.