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whos this person called richu yue? - Printable Version

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whos this person called richu yue? - Nicola - 04-18-2014 07:06 AM

my friend and i were on omegle and we got into a chat with a dude who asked us if we were richu yue. we said 'who' and he disconnected.
now whatever site i go to i see a user called richu yue, even on tumblr i saw 'thatgirltheycallrichu' and i'm wondering who this person is. are they like.. famous or something?
and why are they EVERYWHERE and why do people know them so well?
who are they? can someone tell me??

- RiRi Yue - 04-18-2014 07:15 AM

Well, uhh.... I'm myself, I guess?
the hell's going on >_>