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How do i access the new silk road? - Printable Version

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How do i access the new silk road? - Tom1k9 - 04-18-2014 07:08 AM

As some of you may have heard, shortly after the FBI shut down the anonymous black market site known as silk road. It has been re-opened on the 1st of October 2013! Does anyone know how i can access this site (ive tried the old URL but its been shut down so im guessing they've got a new one)? i just find it so interesting. i doubt i'd ever buy anything from it. Any help would be useful, whether its written info or a video tutorial on how to do it. - Peace

- Salem - 04-18-2014 07:21 AM

Access via tor: silkroad6ownowfk.onion
That's all I'm saying, talking through safely accessing Darknet would take far too long.

Edit-- Only current member have access btw, unless you have/had an account you be able to get on yet anyway.

- Marcus T.W. - 04-18-2014 07:33 AM

dude, the FBI's likely to be tracing your PC now, since you went on the older site... youd be better off getting a different PC to shop...

- Badger Badger - 04-18-2014 07:47 AM

It's ok, I'm looking for gemstones, not drugs....FBI can look at me all they want to.

- James - 04-18-2014 08:02 AM

Agora is a silkroad alternative, it is in beta yet has most vendors from other popular black market sites. It is less dangerous than silkroad in these times of crisis with hackers and LE, take a look even if your just curious of what they offer lol, it requires an invite link (: open on darknet tor browser ofc. (:
Tor is a freeware anyone can just download on google.
Access either link on the darknet browser. You may need a VPN.

And silkroad is http://thehubaoydxrommh.onion (: Good luck Most information you need is in the forums.