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Should I add her on facebook? - Printable Version

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Should I add her on facebook? - Steven - 10-15-2012 08:58 PM

Ok, I'm interested at this girl that works as a cashier in this big market... The thing is, I don't know anything about her and I kinda got a feeling that she's kinda into me too, we kinda have these eye contacts, you know what I mean...

The other thing is, I don't see any way of approaching her, the only contact we had is like "hello" and such because lines are always long there, no time for chit chat, plus she's working, how could ask for a phone number or like, even ask her out?

And today I accidentally saw her name tag that she's wearing, I totally forgot about those, and saw her name there, I looked her up on facebook and yeah she has one.

Would it be too weird to add her as a friend? We have absolutely no mutual friends and I don't know anything about her, all I know she probably lives somewhere in the neighborhood. I really don't know what to do, would it be too "stalkerish" to add her? What would you think if someone added you like that?

I don't know how else to approach her, you obviously can't disturb her during the work, plus the lines are always big I don't think people would have patience for our "hey, how are you doin'? Wanna go have some coffee?" etc. etc...

Should I add her? I don't know where else would I meet her because I don't know anything about her...

And please please, don't think I'm some weirdo haha, I'm a totally normal dude that goes to college, doing normal stuff x), I'm just looking for an opinion here!

So yeah, what do you think? How would she react?

- Joe - 10-15-2012 09:07 PM

I didn't read the whole thing, but just do it. Take risks because if you don't then you will never know what the outcome could be. And if she doesn't accept then who cares just move on it wasn't meant to be then I guess.