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Selling friendship bracelets when you already gave some out for free? - Printable Version

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Selling friendship bracelets when you already gave some out for free? - LOVE♥ - 04-18-2014 10:01 AM

I did some for some people last year during the summer. A couple of my cousins asked for one. I would hate to ask for money, but I really need some way to buy more string if I'm going to continue making bracelets.
I was thinking about just giving away the ones people have already asked for, which is only like 2. Then possibly asking for money from then on? How would I go about doing that without being rude?
I love giving people things, so when someone asks my natural instinct is to just say yes and make them one.
How much should I charge?
A lot of the people who ask for them I don't think really have a paying job as far as I know. They're in their teens and living off of allowance. Or they are a college student and are trying to pay off loans. So it's another reason why I would hate to ask. :\
Oh, by the way, I don't go to public school so selling there isn't an option.
Oh, by the way, I don't go to public school so selling there isn't an option.

- Yumi - 04-18-2014 10:17 AM

Explain that for you to continue making your bracelets for them, you need the supplies to do so. If anything have them pay for the supplies, and make the bracelets for them using the string they bought. As long as you aren't asking them to pay for the labor of making them ( which you are so generous I'm sure it's not a problem ) It shouldn't cost a whole lot material wise. But if you want a profit. Then price your bracelets on their worth. Price them at an affordable price, and reasonable. But consider how much materials were and go from there. You don't seem to care about pricing the item based on your creative labor, but if you do then price the item 2 times the cost of materials. Simply explain to the customers/friends that you need funding to continue making bracelets and if they love them they should understand.

I have given out my handmade items to family/friends for free, it's good advertising for me and it gets my items around to those who might be interested in buying them. Tho certain times I have told my family/friends that ill need some sort of profit from it due to my own funding being short. I don't make them pay as much as I would regular customers due to the whole "family/friend" discount. But they are understanding of it and pay for them as needed to support my craft.

If you want a place to sell your items to, if it's easy for you Etsy is a great site to do so, advertise your shop through facebook/twitter etc. Have friends/family get the word out in support. You just have to be able to mail your bracelets out and such. Also you would need a paypal or some sort of account to have your money put into.