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Why can't I download Firefox? - Printable Version

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Why can't I download Firefox? - Mean Jean - 04-18-2014 11:42 AM

A couple of nights ago I was doing ? something and Google came on and was telling me things about myself that I didn't remember so now I want to get rid of google and get Firefox but I can't download it, There are a couple of games I like on facebook but I can't play them on I.E. so I played them on google but now I feel like I've been violated google knows so much about me so I want to delete google and use Firefox as my second browser. Can you help me out with this problem. Thank you.

- Angie - 04-18-2014 11:50 AM

Download firefox.
Close the browser and use task manager to kill it in case the program doesn't actually close.
Uninstall the google browser (Chrome, I suppose).
Install firefox and during the install (or perhaps on first use), tell it to be the default browser.

- Tanmoy - 04-18-2014 11:55 AM

Uninstall all the browser Google Chrome and Firefox, then run CCleaner to delete temp file and run a registry cleaner. Then install it again. Hope it will fix your problem